Δευτέρα 18 Μαΐου 2015
Παρασκευή 15 Μαΐου 2015
Homework for Friday 15th May 2015
Τρίτη τάξη
Βιβλίο μαθητή σελ. 72, αντιγραφή και ανάγνωση
Τετάρτη τάξη
Βιβλίο μαθητή, σελίδα 72, δραστηριότητα 2, αντιγραφή και ανάγνωση
Fifth grade
Activity book, p36 act A
Sixth grade
Write short dialogues using the simple present perfect and the simple past, as in the example:
-Have you ever had banana ice-cream?
-Yes, I have.
-When did you have it?
-Oh, I had some last week. It was delicious!
Βιβλίο μαθητή σελ. 72, αντιγραφή και ανάγνωση
Τετάρτη τάξη
Βιβλίο μαθητή, σελίδα 72, δραστηριότητα 2, αντιγραφή και ανάγνωση
Fifth grade
Activity book, p36 act A
Sixth grade
Write short dialogues using the simple present perfect and the simple past, as in the example:
-Have you ever had banana ice-cream?
-Yes, I have.
-When did you have it?
-Oh, I had some last week. It was delicious!
Πέμπτη 14 Μαΐου 2015
Τετάρτη 13 Μαΐου 2015
Homework for Wednesday 13th May 2015
4th grade
Write a riddle about a favorite animal.
5th grade
Student's Book p74
Write 8 sentences comparing the gifts for Jim's birthday party.
6th grade
Student's Book p75 activity B
Write a riddle about a favorite animal.
5th grade
Student's Book p74
Write 8 sentences comparing the gifts for Jim's birthday party.
6th grade
Student's Book p75 activity B
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